Welcome to the Town of Morrill, Maine

Our GENERAL ASSISTANCE PUBLIC NOTICE is on the Resources page.

For a full listing of town officers and hours please view our officers page.
You can visit the Morrill Volunteer Fire Department facebook page.

Recycling and Trash Pickup:

Recycling pickup is the last Tuesday of each month, trash is every Monday.
There are no pickup services on the following holidays.

New Year's Day
Memorial Day
Fourth of July
Labor Day
Christmas Day 

Download 2024 Town Report

Town Office Clerk Hours:

Tel: (207) 342 3300
Fax: (207) 342 3313

44 Weymouth Road
P.O. Box 59
Morrill, ME 04952

Find additional office hours
on the Officers page.

Monday 4pm-8pm
Tuesday 2pm-6pm
Wednesday 4pm-8pm
Thursday 8am-Noon